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Axe 1

Electroisomerization blinking of an azobenzene derivative molecule

Axe 2

Submolecular-scale control of photo-tautomerization

Axe 4

Stereoisomeric selection upon adsorption: A structural and optical study of curcuminoid derivatives on ultrathin films of KCl on Au(111) and on bulk KCl(001)

Axe 4

Dual-heterodyne Kelvin probe force microscopy

Axe 4

Highly Conductive Tungsten Suboxide Nanotubes

Axe 4

Observation of Kekulé vortices induced in graphene by hydrogen adatoms

Axe 1 Axe 3

Manipulation of the Magnetic State of a Porphyrin-Based Molecule on Gold: From Kondo to Quantum Nanomagnet via the Charge Fluctuation Regime

Axe 4

Characterizing the Water-Forming Reaction on Graphite- and Ceria-Supported Palladium Nanoparticles and Nanoislands by the Work Function

Axe 4

A simple KPFM-based approach for electrostatic- free topographic measurements: the case of MoS2 on SiO2

Axe 4

Hidden surface photovoltages revealed by pump probe KPFM

Axe 2

Topologically localized excitons in single graphene nanoribbons

Axe 1

Visualizing In-Plane Junctions in Nitrogen-Doped Graphene

Axe 1 Axe 5

Formation of Monolayer Charge Density Waves and Anomalous Edge Doping in Na Doped Bulk VSe2

Axe 1 Axe 5

Dirac Fermions in Blue Phosphorene Monolayer

Axe 4

High-temperature oxidation and reduction of the inverse ceria/Cu(111) catalyst characterized by LEED, STM, nc-AFM and KPFM

Axe 4 Axe 5

Collective amplification of nearby nanoparticles in the Coulomb blockade restricted charging of a single nanoparticle

Axe 2 Axe 5

Mapping Lamb, Stark, and Purcell Effects at a Chromophore-Picocavity Junction with Hyper-Resolved Fluorescence Microscopy

Axe 4 Axe 5

Role of the Structure and Reactivity of Cu and Ag Surfaces in the Formation of a 2D Metal–Hexahydroxytriphenylene Network