TimeMardi 23/11Mercredi 24/11Jeudi 25/11
9:00D. RiedelP. Diener
9:30O. GuillermetG. Rodary
10:00Y. Dappe S. Clair
11:00ML BocquetJ. Y. Veuillen
partenaires industriels
G. Prevot
12:00Discours de clôture
12:30ArrivéeBuffet repas
14:00Présentation GDR
David Martrou
B. GrévinDépart
14:30J. Lagoute T. Melin
15:00G. SchullL. Nony
15:30C. BrunE. Le Moal
16:30C. Barth
17:00Flash Poster
17:30Plenary session C’NANO

CEMES - PicoLab
18:00Présentation équipes Nanocar
19:00Buffet et PosterDîner de Gala

Légende : Axe 1 Axe 2 Axe 3 Axe 4 Axe 5

Le CEMES se situe au 29 rue Jeanne Marvig. Pour y accéder, prendre le métro B (direction Ramonville) de l’arrêt Compans Cafarelli jusqu’à l’arrêt Saouzelong. Pour l’itinéraire complet, cliquez ici

Le diner de GALA se tiendra le mercredi soir au restaurant « La cuisine de Jean », 18 avenue Albert Bedouce, 31400 Toulouse, Métro SAUZELONG (ligne B).

Liste des posters
NamePoster numberTitle
BERTHE MaximeP9-01Resistance measurement of individual Ag nanowires and interconnects
CHATELAIN BaptisteP9-02The Water Forming Reaction on Palladium Nanoparticles Studied by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
CHAZARIN UlysseP9-03Tuning the charge density waves and band structure in VSe2 by Na intercalation
CHERNUKHA YevheniiaP9-04Laser-combined scanning tunneling microscopy on
low-temperature grown GaAs
DENAWI HassanP9-17Theoretical Study of the Interactions between an STM Tip and Adsorbates on Au(111) Under External Electric Fields
FETIDA AlexP9-05Investigating surface magnetism with the quantum spin states of a molecular probe-tip
HERVE MarieP9-15Scanning tunneling microscopy combined with high frequency: Recent development and futur prospects
ICHOU HamzaP9-16MBE Growth and NC-AFM/KPFM characterization of 2D materials under UHV environment: Graphene and Silicene
KOUSSIR HoudaP9-06Nanoprobe study of the electric field driven insulator-to-metal transition in GaMo4S8
LIZEE MathieuP9-07Emergent multifractality in two dimensional weakly disordered superconductor
NEMANJA PericP9-08Electronic properties of selective area grown semiconductor heterostructures
TAGNE KAEGOM CalvinP9-09Study by ARPES of the Rashba effect and Berry curvature in the 2D Ferroelectric thin films of GeTe
THERSSEN HugoP9-10Comportement d'un dérivé de l'azobenzène sur Au(111) exposé à la lumière ultraviolette
TORKZADEH MohammadmehdiP9-11Localization induced by defects in 2D correlated systems
VERNISSE LoranneP9-12Banc d'essai Nanoplast
WANDER DavidP9-13Imaging tunable quantum Hall broken-symmetry orders in charge-neutral graphene
P9-14Tabletop 100 mK UHV Scanning Tunneling Microscope