We report here the reversibility and bistability of the switching behavior in an azobenzene derivative induced by the bias applied by a scanning-tunneling microscopy (STM) tip, at low temperature and…
Manipulation of the Magnetic State of a Porphyrin-Based Molecule on Gold: From Kondo to Quantum Nanomagnet via the Charge Fluctuation Regime
By moving individual Fe-Porphyrin-based molecules with the tip of Scanning Tunneling Microscope in the vicinity of a Br-atom containing elbow of the herringbone-reconstructed Au(111), we reversibly and continuously control their…
Visualizing In-Plane Junctions in Nitrogen-Doped Graphene
Controlling the spatial distribution of dopants in graphene is the gateway to the realization of graphene-based electronic components. Here, it is shown that a submonolayer of self-assembled physisorbed molecules can…
Formation of Monolayer Charge Density Waves and Anomalous Edge Doping in Na Doped Bulk VSe2
Alkali atom doping is an efficient way to induce charge transfer and Fermi level tuning in layered materials through intercalation. However, there is a general lack of microscopic understanding of…
Dirac Fermions in Blue Phosphorene Monolayer
2D materials beyond graphene and in particular 2D semiconductors have raised interest due to their unprecedented electronic properties, such as high carrier mobility or tunable bandgap. Blue phosphorene is an…